A thread on $CORE #core_vault

CORE is a high yied #defi token. But what makes it different? Well, most if not all of the yield farming tokens so far are inflationary, most of them have really high inflation. That leads to price depreciation of the asset.
The total supply is 10k. All of the tokens were sold on presale and are locked in the LP together with the raised ethereum. The presale buyers got LP tokens, which are locked forever. They can never be removed from the liquidity. There will never be more than 10k tokens.
So where is the yield comes from? CORE has a smart contract function that taxes 1% of every transaction and adds it to the staking pool. That's how the total supply is always below 10k and yield farming continues. How big the yield will be depends entirely of the volume.
The bigger the volume>high yield>higher price of the coin>bigger volume etc etc.What if the volume of the Core on #uniswap is low. To encourage real value and TVL to flow into CORE, CORE smart contracts employ interchangeable strategies that farm the coins inside the pools.
This gives a great incentive to anyone who wants to farm CORE with coins other than CORE/ETH LP. All the yield from staked funds will go to market-buy CORE. This creates a positive relationship for both parties.
CORE holders will always benefit from yield bearing activities done on the CORE smart contracts. Even when farmers sell, a transfer fee on sales of CORE tokens are returned to the farming pools. This means buying pressure will generally be more intense than selling pressure.
Core is also a community governed project. To be able to vote and make decisions about the future of the project you have to buy the coin and stake it forever in the smart contract. The community can change the % of the tax, adding or removing pools, developers rewards etc etc.
The launch was 100% fair. All the tokens (100% of the total supply) were distributed proportionally to the presale buyers. Word of caution in the end. $CORE is an experimental project. The code has not been audited externally, so DYOR.
Big thank you to @NCyotee for helping fixing the claim rewards bug. Everything looks great. LFG $CORE #Unruggable
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