US History in under 2 minutes.

Medieval Europe uses land to create an aristocrat class. Kings get into debt via endless wars, gifts land to keep 1% class happy. The 1% give gifts to Kings by exploiting labor. All kinds of taxes on labor is needed to reduce the debt & feed wars.
Kings can’t really tax the landowner aristocracy too much.

Some people say “fuck this bullshit.” They risk life to sail to New World.

“Crap, there are Native Americans here already. Thank god we have all this experience at fighting wars.”
New settlers basically steal the land from the natives - ironically.

Meanwhile, King is still spending hand over fist fighting wars. He can’t piss off the domestic pawns and their landed aristocracy. Let’s just tax the shit out of the colonies.
The thieves fight a war and win their freedom.

“Shit, we actually have our own country now. We just wrote the Constitution for kicks. Who thought we’d actually win? Damn it. Now what do we do? We only know how to destroy and kill. Who’s gonna build this country?”
“Why don’t we get slaves to build America? We can just own the land and everything else!”


Fast forward 250 years.

America has its 1% aristocracy. Capitalism baby! America protects it via a Constitution! Equality! Shhh. Thank goodness all these people are dumb.
America has its slaves. America still wages war everywhere (over 165 currently). America still loves to bury the masses in debt. And, America still uses the 1%, tax system, properties/land, and military industrial complex to ... keep it exactly like the corrupt system it fled.
How about we teach this truthful version of history to kids?

Is it really shocking that a pandemic has torn the bandage right off a body full of guilt scars and ugly wounds? Is it shocking that a country of fools will split between misguided outrage and selfish “silent” sheep?
We have a lot to fix, heal, and turn around.

I wrote this thread in an exaggerated way. But, nothing I wrote is untrue.

We can’t be blindly proud of our country. And, we can’t be blindly extremist or shamed by it. Changing a system designed to be exactly as intended is hard.
And, that’s my main point. America didn’t arrive where it’s at now by accident or without a concerted effort or blueprint.

The voice of the middle, moderates, and main street has been drowned out - but it’s never been vocal to begin with.
The extremists on both left and right will never beat the 1% in power on both left and right.

While others worry about partisan left vs right, I worry more about the increasingly opportunistic and selfish 1% choking the 99% even more. And the extremists are enabling it.
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