You guys. This is really hard. I’m going to drop this fight over the Wikipedia article. I’m so sorry. Explanation below.

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A thread.
Anyone who has existed in this community knows the statements at the start of this article are ridiculous. I see many of you pushing back against them every day. They harm people, erase them. But we keep fighting. And every day we educate more people, that this is a lie.
I’m so proud of our community, how much we’ve come together to fight this. I’ve made many non-men tell me how they’ve suffered. How hard it was to find that community, through the lie that, “this is mostly a man thing.”
What I’ve come to learn is that current research, and the Wikipedia community, already know this. Researchers know women are undercounted in kink. They account for it. Wikipedia knows these statements are weak and harmful, and does not put them at the top of articles. EVER.
So here we have a case, where a small tribe of trolls defends the last little island of ignorance. They will fight to keep it. Tell the truth and shame the devil: they know Wikipedia better than I do. It will get dirty and technical. It will not be about truth.
I’ve read through some of these disputes. I do not have the ability to go through one with these people and stay mentally healthy. But I’ve also read: Our experience is not unique. It’s an old song that any user can sing along in harmony.
What this page wants us to learn, is that these disputes do not matter. You win them, by moving on, and making the world better elsewhere. And that is what I intend to do. I plan to use the material we’ve collected, and use it to educate the broader kink community.
I intend to write a persuasive, cited, and most importantly human story, about why is it so hard to fight this narrative. We never had a chance to convince these trolls. With this, I hope we’ll convince people far, far more important. I hope you’ll continue to participate.
I’m sorry I’m letting you down. This is too big for one person. I want to save you, to prove you exist. You don’t need to be saved. And you exist no matter what anyone says. The world already knows this. Light is hereZ It can take time for it to reach the last, dark corner.
In closing, a poem by Jerry Holkins.

On Villainy

There’s some who is willin’
To win as a villain.
And child, you may as well let ‘em

‘Cause sooner or later,
Their friends will turn traitor,
And some other villain will get ‘em.

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