Been thinking this morning about a lie I'd believed most of my life.

The lie that emotion is the enemy of logic. 1/9
I've realized in the last three months that this is just false. Can it be? Yes, but it can also be the ally of logic. I've never worked so hard to understand something as I have in the last three months. This is due to emotion. 2/9
Anger at injustice, hate for the abuse, sadness for the loss. This has driven me to learn more about the racism and sexism that permeates our entire culture. Emotion has been my ally here, keeping me going. Not letting me become complacent. 3/9
I've realized that this idea is rooted in racism and sexism. White people, white men in particular, are illustrated as more educated and more reasoned because we put on this mask of "calm". 4/9
Well of course we can, because we don't have daily trauma that is the reality of so many women and BIPOC people. They have completely justified fear and anger because of what they are put through by white men. 5/9
Abusers often portray themselves as calm, collected, and reasonable. However, this too is a lie. We aren't calm. Just try to make life more fair and we lose our minds - like a toddler being forced to share. 6/9
This is the myth of the rational male, the reasonable white person. We don't even know how to handle our emotions when we are made to share or treat other people fairly. 7/9
We are less logical because we deny our emotions. We suppress them and thus don't know how to handle or harness them when we are faced with them. We don't have psychological differentiation. 8/9
This lie needs to be shattered. For the sake of everyone the world needs to know the truth about this myth. So that white men can actually face and handle their emotions. So that we can move forward and make this world more fair. 9/9
Again, thank you to my wife for reviewing. She is introverted so she doesn't post as much as me but you all are really missing out on her thoughts. She contributes to my understanding more than you know. ❤️
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