Watching the 'diversity' portion of the @PowerRangers panel annoys me when the Rangers praise Chip Lynn, and my interactions discussing wheelchair bound Rangers with him were not the same.

I had a better time discussing it with @shadowpiper, when he was still with the brand.
The reason it annoys me is not just because I am disabled, but because I love tokusatsu from Power Rangers to Sentai, Kamen Rider, Ultraman, GARO, Godzilla, etc. However, making a wheelchair bound hero would help some of these shows standout more.
We have seen a lot of blind & deaf people in general media. Also, we have seen some wheelchairs, but an issue is that troupe often has the character not born with the disability. I just want one time where a show, specifically Power Rangers, is like "they are born this way."
Like the actor does not require having to be disabled that is for sure, but Ranger powers should make a person walk.

If the powers can make a kid grow, then the Ranger powers can make a person walk.
You can follow @Wheelchair21.
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