As we get close to the announcement of Trump's pick for the SCOTUS, there are a couple things that one should keep in mind. The biggest being that the Justice has to have the approval of ALL the GOPe senate. Trump can't lose more than one or two votes before the Quislings Mitt..
...and Murcowski can be fully activated. What that means is that don't expect any nominee that wants to tear down the "status quo". That's not to say the nominee won't be "conservative" or "right leaning". It just means we aren't getting a tea party judge.
Think more a constitutionalist that sides with the government and its power. So, less tenth amendment and more Article 1. Which isn't my favorite outcome BUT its a hell of a lot better of an outcome that a RBG ver 2.0 or another Sotomayor. The court will move right.
....It's just not going to turnover a lot of the liberal laws in place. "Following Precedent" will be a big deal for the pick the Senate allows through. If she doesn't she won't make it. Trump has to pick the person with this in mind.

Another point to remember, is that due the timing of the vent there is absolutely no way to get around the fact that the pick will be political. The pick will be used to soothe certain groups that are important to a Trump victory in Nov while not angering other groups that are as important.
It's a needle to thread and I'm sure some will be disappointed but I don't think any specific Trump supporting group will be angered. Some will be very happy.

Finally, the pick has to be able to be approved quickly. So no "dark horse". The pick will be known and
.....already have her life desiccated and reviewed. The last thing Trump and the Gop senate wants is some late hour revelation.

Rumors are Saying the pick will be Judge Amy Coney Barrett which sounds right to me since she will check all three of the above boxes
....But I've been around enough to know the fake media are idiots and Trump could surprise them with a different pick....However, whoever it is will check the above three boxes.
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