1/9 THREAD!!! I’m only gonna say this once ... #MeghanMarkle IS UNROYAL!! Yes I said it! Meghan is not an alleged sex trafficker, an alleged paedophile nor has she ‘peddled’ any royal wares such as Duchess of York, Princess Michael of Kent or Peter Phillips to name a few!
2/9 Meghan was not borne to be inherently lazy, she’s not entitled nor is she boorish! Meghan is not high-handed nor is she robotic! Instead, Meghan is a go getter and a trailblazer for the people and projects she believes in! She’s real - her road has not been paved with gold
3/9 Meghan has loved before, she’s been let down before, she knows real heartbreak because she has allowed herself to be vulnerable - she knows what it’s like to work & hustle for a break, which is why she also knows what real success feels like! Meghan remembers ...
4/9 She remembers her life before, she remembers the hearts she connected with, she remembers the joy of giving & sharing with others. She also remembers the norm of healthy relationships where sometimes things take a detour but then through love & understanding
5/9 they get back on track but if they can’t be mended, she’s strong enough to protect herself! That is the reality of life & relationships. Meghan learned early, as a child of divorced parents, how to have boundaries, how to disengage from negativity & how to maintain her sense
6/9 of self regardless of which parent she was with. She learned.. how to stand up for herself, how to use her voice to effect change! In essence Meghan was RAISED with confidence and courage by her Mother, her Grandmother and even her Father before greed became him! Meghan was
7/9 not left to anyone other than her loving family, no courtiers, Full-time live-in Nannies, no boarding schools just old fashioned hands on parenting! I say all of that to say this ... Meghan has no understanding of being “Royal like the British Royal Family”,
8/9 her experience within the family was enough to make her realise just why Harry was right to remove her and Archie! Despite all her experiences, her humanity and her ability to confront change - I suspect she may have been surprised by the level of toxicity, negativity
9/9 and significant lack of any desire to effect any real, long lasting change. The “rubber stamping” way of royalling, playing at humanitarian, but having no voice must have been foreign to Meghan. So for all the mouthpieces continually saying that Meghan is unroyal - I agree!
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