How interesting that @Mermaids_Gender agrees with me that no one is born in the wrong body and kids should play and dress however they like (i.e., gender nonconformity isn't a sign of "being trans"). So then, why on earth would any child ever transition? Is there a reason? No. 1/
Everyone's body is what it is. Everyone's clothing, personalities, & preferences are what they are. The domains of sex & gender are never in conflict: they do not rely on each other. Girls can like rough play. Boys can like sparkles & dolls. Let's go back to that basic notion. 2/
Once we accept that basic premise (thanks, @Mermaids_Gender), it's easy to see "transition" for what it is: A set of cosmetic choices. No one's body is wrong. If someone dislikes their body so badly that they want to undertake major changes, they need therapy to sort it out. 3/
Gender dysphoria, likewise, comes into sharper focus for what it is -- a psychological condition in which someone is very distressed by their body. A psychological condition. Psychological conditions are not appropriately treated with hormones and cosmetic surgeries. 4/
While I'd never tell an adult what to do with their body (I believe adult transition is not a good solution because the evidence isn't there to support it), the fact that transition is purely cosmetic rules it out for all children, in all contexts. 5/
That any reputable doctor ever prescribed sterilizing & bone-destroying puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to any child, or removed healthy organs is unconscionable. I'd like to see them sued and punished for the reckless damage they caused. 6/
These doctors ignored evidence that the majority of GNC children would grow up to be healthy gay and lesbian adults ***if only they were left alone to develop normally and well-supported to be who they are***. 7/
These doctors ignored evidence that the huge wave of "gender dysphoric" preteens and teens represented a new phenomenon -- not of "gender" that needed transition, but of psychological distress that needed sensitive and supportive therapy. 8/
The media, of course, jumped on board these stories because they generated clicks. Who doesn't want to click on a tear-jerking story about a kid who is "really" the other sex? What did the parents & schools do? What did the neighbors say? Did they have any friends? 9/
The voyeuristic sideshow of "a boy in a dress" (when really, kids should be free to dress as they wish, without judgment) got wrapped up in 21st century Wokeness: The "correct" virtue-signalling response was to accept these medical treatments & name changes without question. 10/
"Wokeness" and falling in line with virtue-signalling, because so many people fear being called ignorant bigots or hateful transphobes, ensured that ***these important discussions about the wisdom of these life-changing treatments on children could not be had.*** 11/
All respect to those who insisted that the discussions *must be had.* This obvious point is finally being recognized. You don't sterilize kids, disrupt their growth, alter their appearance, change names/pronouns, unless there's strong evidence in favor: Evidence we never had. 12/
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