I have just been informed that this woman has a drum for a head, I had believed for the longest time that it was a slice of potato
actually i'm not sure I believe the official story, think i'm gonna stick with potato
Actually I just only read that it was a drum on Wikipedia, but the source they cite is more ambivalent on the drum/potato argument.
From my mentions, it maybe also be:
* A coconut
* A spotlight
* A tambourine
* A round sandwich
* A "banana crisp"
* A cheese wheel
* A pickle/cucumber slice
* A hole in the picture to stick your face through
* A slice of eggplant
* A slice of apple
* A slice of pear
* A slice of almond
* A slice of radish
* A slice of kiwi
* A slice of onion
* Top of a cake
* An embroidery frame
* A mirror
* The moon
On one hand, a closer inspection and all available information about its creation reveal that it is, in fact, a drum.

On the other hand, I first thought it was a potato and I have no interest in altering my understanding of the world.

Could go either way, I guess
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