On weapons and defense items:

The most important thing for everything to from firearms, knives, mace, kubotan, slingshot, etc is CONSISTENCY.

Should you ever need to use your weapon, you want to consistently draw, engage, and wield your weapon.
Consistency requires practice and familiarity. Practice drawing and holding your knife. Get to know the weight and feel of it; How it fits in your hand; The stabbing motion. Even try teaching your friends (with consent)

The same goes for firearms especially. You can practice reloading, cocking, dry firing, engage/disengage safety, drawing, etc. all while you're watching the office on streaming if you're into that (headshot Michael when he shows up on screen)

Find an isolated location where you can safely practice with your slingshot. Aiming, draw distance, range, the correct size of rocks/ammo. and gather small rocks.

I practice with mine at night in a nearby alleyway.

Building that muscle memory and comfotability with a weapon increases the chance you can successfully use it in stressful situations.

When someone is trying to hate crime you, that is STRESSFUL. You want to rely on your practice.

Be tactical when protecting yourselves; the contradictions are heightening. Hate crimes skyrocketed in amerika after the last election it will do so again. This goes for folks everywhere though.

I've survived multiple hate crimes so I'm not just talking out my ass.

If this thread was helpful support Black armed self defense https://twitter.com/deadstuy/status/1309938382148075521?s=19
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