
AOC pulling out of the Rabin event was the moment I really began to fear that President Trump would be re-elected.

The US left doesn't have the first idea how to defend the democratic state - because it believes the democratic state to be a liberal fiction anyway....
... And antisemitism is the pus that oozes from a movement infected by anti-democratic ways of thinking.

To buy into the view which demonizes Rabin - a man who built a movement to end the occupation and to make peace between Israelis and Palestinians - is indeed antisemitic....
.... It's antisemitic because it is a view which finds that there is no good Zionist and that Hamas were right to try to defeat the peace process....
... And AOC appears only to have embraced the antisemitic position when thousands of people who she respects, and in whose community she wanted to remain, told her that if she didn't, she'd be lost to them; she'd be expelled from the community of the good.
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