ref: the 'born in the wrong body' trope

i was born into my own body, same as everyone else. but, like most trans people, there was a glitch in my physiological matrix that turned on the wrong hormones while still keeping the correct neural operating system
this is how trans people know exactly who they are supposed to be. even if you're cis, i hope this analogy helps you understand even a little bit about what we go through
whether a trans person arrives at this realization at a young age (4 for me) or at an older age makes no difference. once you know, you cannot un-know. and it is this knowing that is the catalyst for so much gender dysphoria
and having said that, some trans people experience little to no dysphoria. it is not a necessary precondition to be transgender. it is common, but not a universal experience
we accept first person authority for everything else: political beliefs, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, etc

someone tells you this about them, you may or may not like it, but you rarely question the fundamental veracity of their beliefs
so why is it so difficult to extend the same basic courtesy to trans people?

you don't need to fear us. we exist no matter what, and we have always existed and likely always will exist

be happy that we're happy living our best lives
if you cannot grasp this simple truth, that's on you

no hashtag, but trans rights are human rights. it's not pie; there's plenty to go around
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