1/That’s not her, Jenny. That is Amy’s sister, Carrie. There was also white women who adopted Black children and killed them. Adopting Black children doesn’t make you automatically anti-racist. BTW, Amy and her sisters belong to a “secretive Catholic group, People of Praise.” https://twitter.com/jennybethm/status/1309653952682754056
3/“Whether People of Praise rises to the level of cult, I am not in a position to make that judgment. But there is a level of secrecy that was concerning, and there was a level of reports by people who left the organization of authoritarianism that [is] concerning as well.”
5/“One of its most notable features [of People of Praise] is the submissive role played by women, some of whom were called “handmaids”—at least until the Handmaid’s Tale aired in 2017, At that point, the group started referring to them as “women leaders.”
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