The #PitchWars window opens tonight! And it stays open through Oct 1st at 10pm EDT. Mentors are SO looking forward to reading your words. In honor of this auspicious day, would you like a list of things I stressed about as a PW applicant that I now realize as a mentor are NBD?
1. What day/time I submitted. I got really fixated on this. Now that I am "behind the curtain" I know mentors don't care and really often cannot tell when you submitted, so sub when you are ready! #PitchWars
2. The order in which I listed my mentor picks. On the application, there are 4 spots to enter your picks (and you should pick 4! It ups your chances!). I was worried the mentors would think I was ranking them. As a mentor, I have never once paid attention to that. #PitchWars
3. Whether I had interacted enough on twitter. I am an introvert at heart and also a luddite. I worried that I was spending too little time on twitter. Now I know, twitter is for making friends (yay!), but when it comes to choosing mentees, pages matter, not tweets #PitchWars
4. Whether one typo or grammar mistake would sink my application. It won't! People make mistakes, including and especially me. True story: once I sent an entire draft to my CPs in which I spelled the word 'coppery' 'coopery' like eighteen times. #PitchWars
5. That mentors are reading subs looking for problems. We aren't. We open each sub hoping that we will enjoy the writing, fall in love with the MC, and know how to help that author level up their story. We are so excited to read your words. Without you, #PitchWars can't happen.
6. I'm sure I have more, but other #PitchWars mentees-turned-mentors feel free to chime in here! Most importantly, good luck! I hope you all submit and find your long lost twin at sleepaway camp.
You can follow @itsjennylbrown.
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