To put a an even finer point on this from @aldatweets, "mainstream liberal opinion" needs to get its shit together before it kills us all

As someone indoctrinated in that world it frightens me how sticky a lot of the same fairy tale wishful thinking about "market magic" persists
To be clear, I believe in markets (built my whole career on that), but they are ultimately a construct of public policy.

A "market" does not just mean price signals, it means standards, public priorities, and lines in the sand.
The irony is these "non-market" policies are the biggest drivers of market adoption possible.

As a clean energy business founder, give me standards over a carbon tax every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
To this point, great thread on insightful article from @leahstokes about the limits and dangers of carbon taxes.

Basically politics matter, most economists don't care about politics, and yet most dem political leaders listen to them anyway.

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