Today feels like a good day to let you all know that the entire point of my peers and I creating @interfaithpagan was to protect pagan and pagan adjacent people in our community. That includes standing with those with mental health against the toxic subdivision of 'healing'.
It is not advocacy to claim that mental health is all in your mind, all made up, all fake, something to rise above. It is in fact incredibly harmful and erases the real struggles of real people for real reasons. Please, be safe and know you're heard here.
I am disgusted but not surprised to see some of the tweets I have seen today surrounding mental health issues. All I want you to know, whether you're diagnosed, questioning, or not at all experiencing mental health issues, is that I do not blame you. I make space for your health.
Mental health is a complex system of brain science. It can be influenced by many things, from society, to people, to DNA signals in the brain. It is nothing to be ashamed of, bullied for, hunted for. People with mental health are people. People with mental health deserve space.
Twitter, think before you speak:

1. Is it true, according to extensive research and empirical evidence?
2. Is it thoughtful, necessary, or considerate?
3. Does it help me and my community?
4. Am I harming or erasing someone or some factual information by saying this?
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