There is is. Those craven fucking bootlickers at @Facebook abdicated their responsibility to the people years ago. They don’t give a shit about free speech, freedom of the press, anything at all except laundering their own filthy legacies. Well, guess what boys? It won’t work.
I’ll be the gnat in their face, the thumb in their eye, the middle finger in the crowd until the day I die if I have to be, and I’m extremely healthy, work out every day, and come from an extremely long-lived family characterized by the length and depth of our grudges
This is the type of disavowal of responsibility to the people that you get when you tell mediocre white boys who were born into wealth and privilege that they are geniuses — and encourage an entire country to disregard history, journalism, ethics, and sociology for decades
It’s now clear that pseudointellectual fuckwads decided to use personality and habitual data supplied by @Facebook to try to reverse-engineer an astroturfed, explicitly white supremacist would-be mass movement using profiles drawn by books such as “The True Believer” as guides.
Well I’m going to double-reverse engineer this shit right back in their faces
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