The vibes right now are just right...
🧵 about vibin bois vibin
Idk but I’m not tagging shit hahahaha
Chill music oozed from one of the plant covered speakers in the room as Sero lay splayed out in a hammock. His long legs hung out on each side as he used his tippy toes to sway from side to side with the beat. The cheap box fan on the floor tired it’s hardest to fight the last...
...of the summer heat as the sun crept further down the sky for the night.
Denki, Kirishima, Bakugo and Tetsu were sprawled around the room on various pieces of furniture softly chatting among themselves as they stared at their spaced out friend. A large snake lazily wrapped around Bakugo before resting her head on his.
“Get your over grown pool noodle off me it’s too hot for this shit.” The ash blond grumbled glaring daggers at the half sleep blond on the floor. “Sero’s mentally checked out and she likes you. Let her be.” Denki yawned from his spot on the floor in front of the fan.
“Are you sure he’s ok? He looks kinda dead.” Tetsu questioned giving Sero a quick once over. “He’s fine. Look I’ll draw another sigil on him if it’ll ease your worries.” Denki huffed as he stood from his spot on the floor and walked over to the comatose raven haired male.
Pale fingers dipped into melted shimmering blue black wax before slowly moving across the lightly tanned canvas that was Seros’ bare chest. “Come back to me in one piece this time.” Denki whispered as he finished up the intricate design.
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