Noted racist, Islamophobe, homophobe, Trump supporter, grifter, and proponent of conversion therapy Franklin Graham is holding a "prayer march" in DC as a sort of counter to the ongoing protests in the country.

First of all, Black Lives Matter.
Second, these "prayers for change/peace" are pretty damn transparent. They want BLM to stop protesting, sit quietly, and restore the status quo. They also want to drum up support for Trump.

Also, Franklin Graham, Samaritan's Purse, and Liberty University really really want money
They're holding this in the midst of a pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 204,000 people in the U.S. They hope to have hundreds of thousands at their march. Even if everyone wears a mask (they won't), this is a massive public health risk.
They could pray at home. They will not, because they want the attention. They want to make it look like they're doing something.

Prayer alone is not doing something, no matter what you believe. Prayer is a nice sentiment, but not a substitute for actual work when you can do it.
We mock the phrase "thoughts & prayers" because it's often said by politicians after school shootings. Politicians who strike down any gun control laws that might actually DO SOMETHING about the problem.
Rather than thinking critically about institutional racism, over-policing, and their own culpability in a broken system, Graham and his followers preach a false peace that's actually disguising indolence.

They want to pray away the protests, not the problems that lead to them.
People like Franklin Graham twist religion to their own means. The desires of God and the desires of man often line up when millionaire evangelists are involved. This march today has nothing to do with helping our nation.

Pray if you must, be act first.
Anyway, my dad is at the prayer march today and he's a goddamn fool who's too absorbed in his bigotry to get to know his daughter. I begged him not to go, but he thinks the prayer march is the "only thing that's going to help" the country.
I set this thread's replies to followers only but I don't know if I'm going to interact or even read replies. Think I just need to take a break from social media today.
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