A tweet by @LifeMathMoney made me think, if I had to outline the most important things for each decade of your life until 50, what would it be.

It's interesting because most people do it backwards.
Your teens are made for chilling, that's what most people do, they don't work hard in their teens, they party, they play games, etc.

The main opportunity in your teens is making friends, learning social skills and how groups work.

High school is like politics on roids.
Your twenties are also chill for most people, college is hardly hard work, most people don't put in 50 - 60 hours a week studying. They party, get laid, go on trips, take a gap year whatever.
The main opportunity here is to start building and leveraging money making skills.
Thirties is when most people have their "WTF" moment, they realize that they're still broke, are working a job, instead of focused on a career, and have little to show for their first 30 years of life.

The main opportunity here is to make up for fucking up in your 20s and teens
Forties are the end of the line, if you fucked up the first 30 years of your life, you have to be a unicorn to recover, you settle into misery.

If you spent your teens, twenties and thirties right, this is when you start to retire.
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