Stop comparing covid-19 to the Spanish Flu.

For more perspective on how they are different, let's look at our own history.
"In 1918–19, [Spanish Flu] killed between 20 and 100 million people, including some 50,000 Canadians."

Covid-19 has killed 9,255 Canadians since last winter, and about a million worldwide.
But Canada's population is now almost 5x larger and the world has 4x more people.

So that would be like 250,000 dead Canadians and 80-400 million fatalities worldwide if the Spanish Flu happened today.
"Unlike most strains of influenza, which are dangerous for those with reduced immunity (e.g., the elderly, the very young and those with pre-existing conditions), the 1918 flu tended to kill the young and hearty."

71.3% of covid-19 deaths are among the 80+.
"Some entire villages were wiped out by the disease. Labrador, Quebec and First Nations reserves were particularly hard hit."

I haven't heard of any villages being wiped out by covid-19.
"All medical facilities and personnel were soon overtaxed and volunteers organized infirmaries in schools and hotels."

Covid-19 undoubtedly put pressure on our healthcare system, but our ICUs were never maxed out with covid patients.
"Children were left parentless and many families found themselves without their chief wage earner."

I'm sure you could find tragic covid-19 stories, but this line could certainly never be used to generalize our experience today.
"Businesses lost profits because of lack of demand for their products or because they were unable — as a result of a reduced work force — to meet the demand."

This is true now, but the government-imposed shutdowns of businesses and other restrictions are mostly to blame.
"The influenza strain, although decreasingly virulent, remained active in Canada until the mid-1920s. It has since been identified as an H1N1 virus."

The current H1 influenza strain is antigenically identical to the 1918 flu. Life carries on.
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