i love that everyone in falsettos are canonically besties
i’m gonna break this down by character cause i have incoherent thoughts but i still wanna talk about them
marvin and trina for starters. they become closer after act 1. obviously the friendship isn’t perfect and there’s still some tension there but they still do enjoy each other’s company! during year of the child it’s obvious too with the jokes, the hugs and trina kisses his cheek!!
then we have marvin and mendel. again, there’s still tension there and marvin likes to make fun of mendel, but during act 2 it comes less from a place of malice imo!! marvin is clearly amused by mendels antics even if he tries to pretend like he’s not! he just likes teasing him
then there’s marvin and charlotte!! they like to joke around and laugh together! she’s one of the only people who can get marvins goofy side out. she also tries her best to keep him reasonable and from embarrassing himself and others! they care a lot about each other’s happiness
marvin and cordelia! i really love how determined he is to try and get her hired as the caterer for jason’s bar mitzvah despite knowing what her food is like. he wants to help out her business! also she tries to keep positive as much as possible which is something marvin needs
now onto trina and her friendship with cordelia! trina sees how excited she is about catering and immediately decides to let her do it!! even if she can tell cordelias not good at it, she still wants to make her happy despite barely knowing her. trina supports everything she made
trina and charlotte!! they sadly don’t interact as much as i want them to but they’re still besties!! they have cute jokey moments together during the baseball game and jason’s bar mitzvah, and charlotte also helps support her when it’s clear trina is overwhelmed. i love them sm
trina and whizzer. i have written and thought about this so much. they were friends before she found out about the affair and despite it happening, she still cared about him and he cared about her too. they are so so similar and even though there’s tension, the friendship exists
whizzers friendship with mendel! they dont interact that much but they are friends to me. whizzer sees mendel a goofy guy but still respects him and mendel cares about whizzers wellbeing!! also mendel makes the stupid dad joke to try and get whizzer to laugh during days like this
whizzer and cordelia! like i said earlier cordelias positivity was something whizzer needed too! she’s very bubbly when interacting with him but not in a way that makes him feel overwhelmed! they are buds who enjoy each other’s company and are close and i love them
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