tw //transphobia, panphobia, biphobia, ableism

so, you all remember the expose thread i did for @DOLOS_sangi? well i deleted it and now im doing it again. because they invalidated pansexuals a lot of times in my dms.
it started with the first screenshot. where the first account called out people and linked their profiles that were saying that “pansexuality doesn’t exist”. which is the right thing to do. we’re talking about people being invalidated constantly, from cishet people to lgbtq+
it’s everywhere and it’s so saddening.
and they replied with “add me. i dare you.” And i thought it was weird. like—what do they mean by that?
Note: I’m not an native English speaker, so things like grammar and structured sentences slip over my head.
but then i went through the account and saw another that said “free follow list” over the tweet that called out people that were talking about pansexuality. so there was my reason to expose them ASAP because that’s offensive and really hurtful.
okay. so i called them out and someone linked me a tweet of them saying this and accused me of being ableist and i never knew this existed until this morning, so i looked it up, because i have not a single knowledge about this disorder (they are getting help and that’s great)
also please DO NOT COME AFTER THEM because of their disorder. i swear to god if you do, ill block you. you’re not better than them if tou do so. please be considerate. that’s all i ask.
so i unblocked them and went to apologize for not knowing about this, while apologizing for making an panphobia expose thread (invalidating pansexuals, i will have to explain at every use of the word, since it means two different things.) but then they fucking say this. They LIED
i literally don’t know where to start at unpacking everything here. they’re saying this, when they know i have been lgbtq+ friendly and retweeting posts about pansexual rights. i said iwas wrong for not knowing about their disorder, but they retaliate by invalidating a sexuality.
and when i said that pansexuality includes not caring about the gender of a person and loving them whoever they are, because there’s so many genders and spectrums that are being explored, and i educate myself here bc it’s so DIVERSE. and it’s good to educate myself on the matter.
i don’t even know how to react, my anxiety went through the roof and i had to block them. but those kind of remarks are not okay. it invalidates the entire LGBTQIA+ AS A WHOLE. please don’t go after them and don’t be ableist, because that’s not a fucking free pass to be shitty.
it’s serious. but we were on the case of the other definition of panphobia, but they called me ableist so many times, i literally didn’t know why. it’s fine to be frustrated but INVALIDATING A SEXUALITY IS NOT THE WAY TO GO. EVER. and don’t try to engage, just block.
and if you might confront them, they will call me a liar. saying the screenshots are fake, calling all of us ableists because we’re defending something that has nothing personal to do with them at the moment, i don’t like telling others about one’s mental state ++
but it was necessary as to why they tried to pin it on my back and they might call you ableist as well for defending your own community. so please unfollow them or block.
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