Politics twitter is basically conservatives and progressives amplifying each other’s worst takes.

How about we look for the best in people and amplify that instead?
This tweet has bubble-jumped. For those briefly stepping into my bubble, some context: the ACB nomination upset a trend toward a pan-ideological anti-fascist, pro-democracy consensus I had seen emerge in politics Twitter over the last few months. /2
Conservatives & progressives alike are quote-tweeting bad takes or misrepresenting nuanced takes & implying they are the mainstream views of the other side. They aren't. /3
Those quote-tweets then get more engagement than the original tweet (unless the original was so bad it got ratioed). Why? Twitter rewards engagement, and outrage drives engagement.

End result? Each side ends up thinking the other side eats puppies for dinner. /4
My life's mission is making technology work for democracy, equality, and freedom. Right now, it's working against those things.

The original tweet was a tweet about twitter. I am not suggesting anyone attempt to see the good in Trump. /5
I *am* suggesting that - in the short term - we try to critique and check our own behavior. And, long term, we create social media platforms that reward healthier types of engagement - persuasion, perhaps, rather than tribalism.

American democracy won't survive otherwise. /6
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