Explaining my side of the story regarding the "expose" thread made about me.
I am being exposed for trying to expose a group of blinks that were targeting me. Her plan wasn't ethical by any means, but Pam came to me with the idea for her to use Megs alt account because it was a part of one of these expose group chats.
The people in this gc have been targeting blink accounts and trying to get them cancelled for ages. You can see in one screenshot I said one of our main targets was victor (lisacvline).. do I need to tell you who lisacvline is? This weird man was impersonating me on his alt..
These are the people that were trying to expose ME but have nothing against me to expose.. they just wanted to cancel me for no good reason.. so I was trying to expose them first. Here is some receipts of vi, foxy, lilac, and a few others plotting on me. This is so ridiculous..
lisacvline got exposed like 2 months after this as an ot2 and all was good. Now if you are mad at me for agreeing to a plan of using someones alt account, I get it. If you want to cancel me for that, it's your choice. I just wanted to explain why I agreed to the plan.
I do apologize to Meg if she feels like her privacy was invaded. I never signed onto her account, however I did agree to the plan and I am equally guilty for that.
As for all the stuff about me blocking people, I used to block everyone I saw shading me in tweets. I don't do that anymore.
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