If you ordered from @ArcanaOfFlames, ISSUE A REFUND IMMEDIATELY.

Please issue a refund as soon as possible. Either through PayPal directly, or via DM to the project account with a receipt of your purchase.

Here's what's been happening:
1) Production has been going on for six months. Final pieces were due in March, and the contributors have yet to see the card decks or booklets.

2) The mods claim to have "PayPal issues" for over a month now, not trying to resolve them until we as contributors urged them to.
3) The mods refuse to show proof of any conversation with the manufacturer or proof that the decks were ordered in the first place. They keep pushing it off with different excuses every day. The contributors have asked for proof of order for over two months now.
4) The mods GHOSTED the zine server for six months. Contributors grew increasingly antsy and unsure, and the mods did not reply to any of our concerns until we pinged them 3-5 times, several days later, before ghosting the project again.
5) Only when we as contributors threatened public backlash on September 25th were our worries addressed, but the mods essentially told us to just wait it out and that they'd "do it tomorrow", which they have not done.
6) PAYPAL REFUNDS ARE RUNNING OUT. PayPal only allows refunds for missing products 180 days after the transaction was made. The mods are telling us to wait a couple more days before issuing a refund. PLEASE DON'T WAIT. ISSUE A REFUND IMMEDIATELY.
The mods have ghosted and abandoned this project over six months ago. They gave the contributors attitude when we finally did demand answers. We've been incredibly patient, and the mods continue to deliver nothing. Please get your refund as soon as possible.
As per the mods' request, here is what they had to say about it: https://twitter.com/arcanaofflames/status/1309879821581856774
You can follow @eyymorri.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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