Conservatives will do anything to try to frame this as an attack on Barrett's religion or her parenting. Because otherwise, the story is that she is an extremist, badly out of step with most Americans, who will demolish the ACA, women's reproductive rights, and gay families.>
She's also a giant threat to voting rights and to any decent climate legislation, and an immense hypocrite who didn't hesitate to speak up four years ago, when it suited her, about the inappropriateness of flipping SCOTUS ideologically in an election year.>
So the right will do what it always does: Patrol the margins for someone who attacks her kids or her religion and try to turn the sideshow into the main event. Because without that, there's only this: Barrett is a profound menace who wants a 40-year job ruining people's lives.
Fair enough. It's not as if this leaves us short of ways in which she will be an appalling addition to the court. So for "hypocrite," substitute "dependable rubber stamp for the worst anti-immigration and pro-gun policies of this administration."
Note the model for how the right advances its nominees: It's the Grievance Moment. Clarence Thomas announcing he's being lynched. Kavanaugh's weepy ragefit. It's all about that GOP narrative that mean libs are oppressing them. So what I hope is...
...that Democratic senators on the Judiciary Committee keep it simple and sober. That they face her and say, "The minority-view policies you support, and your approach to the law, will hurt most Americans, and we are going to make you own that." That, at least, would be a start.
Last thing for now: No Democratic senator should express the slightest interest in her personal life; it's not interesting. Let the GOP pimp her biography all it wants to. The opposition's job is to make vivid and real the lives of the people her rulings are going to hurt.
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