i actually really don’t care how someone wakes up, but i think it’s quite telling that this is the question you walked away from that thread with.

see, the question eye would have seen is: “what can i do to make sure less Black people are harmed today than yesterday?” https://twitter.com/empire_general/status/1309735645540044801
but the reason why you did not walk away with that question is because you think cishet Black men are the one “primarily affected” by these things and not that you have been vastly undereducated on how much non-cishet Black people are harmed by them. https://twitter.com/empire_general/status/1309736196881301506
my concern with “mass incarceration, police violence, economic and education inequality” includes cishet Black men, but it is not centered around them. and that’s where my work and their will always depart: my concern is community; their concerns is themselves.
and the “these people” language is not lost on me either. you Otherize us with your language and expect that our only concern be to make sure you, and you alone, are cared for? 😬 issa no for me.
my thread asked Black cishet men to focus on holding themselves accountable for the harm they cause intracommunally. HIS response was “why would i wake up everyday and ask myself how i can get people to not hate me?” and if that is not revealing, idk what is.
if my rhetoric is not based in “black liberation” then i’d like to know what is? that Black men are the sole proprietors of state-sanctioned violence? that Black men are primarily the ones that experience mass incarceration and police violence?
but what about the Black girls pushed out of schools into prisons? or the Black trans folks pushed into sex work for survival to then be harassed, (sexually) assaulted by police, and then put into prisons (that don’t care to affirm their gender)?
what about the Black LGBTQ+ youth that are disproportionately impacted by homelessness? or the fact that Black kids overall, and not jus the boys, have disproportionately high rates of illiteracy?
this isn’t “in-fighting”; this is a group of people refusing to see how they benefit from our collective marginalization and then demanding that we center them and only them anyway.
when i wake up, i don’t ask “how can i get less people to hate me today?”

i ask “what can i do today to make sure we are in a better position to care for ourselves today than we were yesterday?”

the self-proclaimed community leaders can’t relate, it seems.
because, unlike them, i’m an organizer in real life. and i’m in community with niggas across identities in real life. LOL
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