Reading some say a "silver lining" (?!) to a 6-3 SCOTUS killing the ACA is added pressure for Medicare for All.

1) think of the # of disabled ppl who are harmed in that hypo

2) this is not good framing - it loses impacted folks' trust. Please adjust priorities accordingly. 1/
I have my MPH & have worked in health policy, coalition building & Medicare for All advocacy for several years, including during law school. I also try my best to listen to disabled & chronically ill folks' concerns re: M4A discourse. What I learned is simple: read their povs. 2/
Policy fights that lose the trust of the most impacted aren't worth winning. We need to fight for the ACA, unrig our courts AND guarantee healthcare for all (including Home & Community Based Longterm Care Services). We can do all this without choosing to leaving anyone behind. /3
P.S. To be clear - the thing I'm worried about? People dying or getting sicker after the loss loss of the ACA even before any transition to ANY new system, single payer included. Implementation is a huge concern for so many patients for good reason - this is their healthcare. 4/
I understand that instinct to look for a silver lining. But this is terrifying for many. We don't need to toss that aside to find hope in this moment or draw attention to healthcare as a human right. The fact that we all deserve guaranteed healthcare can be motivation enough. /5
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