Haj Husseini was installed by the british as a palestinian figurehead with no democratic process btw. The brits intentionally installed a shameless antisemite as a representative for Palestinians to justify their crimes against them
Haj Husseini had no real power beyond what the British permitted him to do, and his authority over Palestinians only actually extended to fellow antisemites.
In a meeting he had with Hitler in 1941, Hitler repeatedly insulted Husseini by refusing to adhere to the custom of drinking coffee, even walking out at one point before being coerced to return and have the meeting
Benjamin Netanyahu has cited this meeting as being the cause behind the Holocaust, claiming that Hitler got the idea from Palestinians. Little evidence is needed to prove that the plans for the Holocaust have been in place for a while before this meeting was held, as well as
Hitler’s rabid antisemitism being a known fact and a driving force in his election in 1933.
I forgot to continue this thread: ultimately a record of this meeting exists. It bears no real significance besides Husseini and Hitler both confirming for each other their own hatred for jews, communists, and the british.
Hitler’s reception in the Arab world was mixed. While most countries realized that he saw them as inferior, the majority of his support existed in Rashid Kaylani’s faction in Iraq and in Haj Husseini’s faction in Palestine. Independent regimes that both treated him differently
I personally don’t know how Rashid Kaylani felt about Jews, but officially his support for Germany was a result of their opposition to the British. This didn’t stop Kaylani and Husseini for claiming to speak for the entire arab world without that authority
Kaylani led a coup that overthrew the pro-British Hashemites and lent their support to Germany. However, Allied successes in Europe and a swift British response destroyed any support Kaylani had.
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