I cannot listen to “worship” music that puts emphasis on how messed up of a person I am . It make me cringe like no other ..
One of the many ways my beliefs have evolved over the past couple years is I don’t find it necessary to constantly meditate and rehearse your flaws, shortcomings and human nature . I’ve found that to actually be very toxic ..
10 years of saying and believing that even on my best day I was still trash really fucked with my mind, self esteem, self worth and overall view of self and God ..
I got helllaaa journals filled with Fix me, help me, save me, change me, love me 🥴 desperation in the right way has its place but Im more in a “here’s me” type of place right now and Im happier than I’ve ever been ..
My current view is even on my worst day, I’m Tight ! 🔥 Tuh! He made me great , so let me be great 😉 Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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