I have honestly have no faith in the way this pandemic is being managed and the series of utterly baffling mistakes that have been made. This is not blaming individuals working within a system - some of whom I know and admire hugely and I know will be working tirelessly.
This is about leadership, or the distinct lack thereof. Good people doing good things in a system with shoddy leadership can never achieve what they would with strong decisive leadership.
This government has shown time and time again that they are incapable of making the decisions necessary, of building the systems necessary. And sadly many of us are left to pick up the pieces, NHS staff, care staff, teachers, police officers etc etc...
Those few months at the beginning of the year were the hardest and most heartbreaking of my career to date. I have been a doctor for 10 years but never before I have I felt so scared - for my patients, my colleagues, my friends. Never has there been so much uncertainty.
A pandemic was always going to be hugely challenging, I was heavily involved in pandemic flu work for a few years so I am not naive. But this government seem to be have been caught unaware, focused on anything else (well mainly Brexit) and incapable of strong decision making.
To all those who have worked so hard during this pandemic in the government and arm’s length bodies - this is not a thread criticising you. I am sorry that you are being led by people who have let you down at repeatedly and thank you for the work you are doing.
For those picking up the pieces and awaiting the next few days, weeks and months with trepidation, thank you. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do.
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