“The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant.

— Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad vs Poor Dad.

a thread;
This is probably one of the best quote I’ve red in my entire life. If you wondered why? Then read further.
Our teacher in Educ 206 assigned us to read this book by Robert K. titled “Rich dad vs Poor dad” where it can explain something about financial literacy since it is our topic this semester.
When I am reading this, I didn’t notice that I got into the 60th page and I am about Chapter 2 with the book. In easy terms, I’m hooked up in reading the book. I just have the eagerness to finish it. I am fascinated with how Robert(the author) came up with the idea of being ...
... rich. Everyone of us needs money, but some of us didn’t know how to make it. Yes money is the root of all evil but the lack of money is also the root of all evil. Without money, the survival of a person cannot be assured.
When it comes of the idea of being rich, the saying of our ancestors “kaoag may tiyaga may nilaga” is one of the example to become rich. It is not about the status you are born, but the status you will make in the process.
Bill Gates even said “its not my fault of being poor, but it is my fault if i die poor”. By this Bill Gates did something to be rich, something to eradicate the idea of being poor in his life...
... thus the quote of Robert Kiyosaki is one of the best example or can be an ideology we may adapt to get rich. In his book, he stated that using our minds can be the greatest asset for us to get rich. By practicing it everyday we can develop ideas to get something we want...
... it is one of out way to attain wealth. How? Lets put this in a scenario, I have 10 classmates that I need to memorize their name for 5 days, thus giving me 100 pesos per person. I need to memorize atleast 2 classmates per day in order to get 1000 pesos at the end of the 5th..
... day. Don’t understand it yet? Then it goes like this, if we want to get rich, we must have this mindset where we WANT TO GET RICH by THINKING OF THINGS TO GET US RICH EVERY SINGLE DAY. Let us use our minds to formulate innovative ideas that will make us some cash.
By having this mindset, by practicing out mind to think everyday. Then US being rich in the future is inevitable.
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