New from @DouthatNYT: Amy Coney Barrett is a signifier of a different sort than R.B.G. Can there be a conservative feminism that’s distinctive, coherent and influential, at least beyond quirky religious subcultures like the faculty at Notre Dame? 
A conservative feminism today — if we can say that it exists — is adaptive rather than oppositional. It takes for granted that much of what Ginsburg fought for was necessary and just. 
One reason conservative feminism doesn’t play a substantial role in our politics now is that it hasn’t been distilled into a compelling policy agenda — pro-woman, pro-mother, pro-work-life-balance — by our increasingly male-dominated conservative party. 
Douthat: What is conservatism doing in its policymaking to make Amy Coney Bennett's kind of life, professionally impressive and personally full, feel more available and affordable and imaginable for women who aren’t nominated to the Supreme Court? 
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