I get some white working class may feel ignored. But the history of institutionalized discrimination isn't their for WWC. And no matter what we want to feel about Slavery/Jim Crow it's legacy is what differentiates the black community from other minority groups... https://twitter.com/CottoGottfried/status/1309785298155470848
This article makes a good case (which I agree) that it's not so much any discrimination today but the different economic starting points for racial groups that cause the resentment we see today. https://ofdollarsanddata.com/racial-wealth-gap/
Yes there are certain indicators that paint a rosy picture of the black community prior the Great Society. But when you talk to older people (some who are now dead) if they are from the black community they don't usually mention their community having a community specific...
Source of capital a lot of immigrant groups did. Many immigrant groups from Europe started their own community banks that allowed capital to be spread throughout their community allowing those groups to prosper. While Jim Crow destroyed the ability of blacks to do the same.
This might seem inconsequential but it's not. Then WWII happened and all the white ethnic groups were pretty much brought into the "white" fold. On top of that many black veterans were not given their full GI benefits they were due. Even after serving their nation..m
They had to sit on the back of bus and lived life in most areas of America as a underclass. It is not any discrimination problems we have today IMO it is that our past still haunts us because of the principle of compounding.
Simply put because our grandparents and great grandparents had access to the "equal" opportunities of the age they were able to build wealth (both cultural and financial) and then pass that down to their children (mostly the boomers)...
Who a lot of them were able to be the first of their family to go to college and other boomers were able to secure jobs in trades and manufacturing that their parents had built. This was then again passed to Gen X and now Millennials.
It's none of these people's fault that the system was the way it was. Yes some people spoke out but most people just want to live their lives and not be bothered. But that doesn't mean we can't do something now to fix it. And it's a simple fix.
We are NOT talking about CRT we are simply talking about giving one group of people more capital. I get the argument it can be seen as pandering but I think most of our problems today spring from the stagnating economic circumstances of the average person over the past decades.
And how does it hurt to another group to provide one group with capital when we are awash in capital at the moment. And black entrepreneurs aren't just going to creat jobs for black people they will create jobs for all kinds of people. I think this is the kind of...
Win-win policy making that leaders should do more of. Its not like welfare where we are taking from Peter to give to Paul. We are giving people loans to start businesses to create economic opportunities. They are taking a risk and the government (the people) is...
Assuming some of that risk. A much better for citizens to give to each other than direct transfer payments.
Finally what is most important about the Platinum Plan is that shows to the black community the GOP gives a shit. For too long the GOPs problem with the black community has been they thought the party didn't care about them...
This changes that. And I don't think it does it at the cost of other groups support. And if other groups are hurt well we are a world awash in capital so I think solutions can be found. @CottoGottfried
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