So #SussexSquad #MeghanAndHarry supporters I was directed to @superscuba83 & @Murky__Meg . The former devotes her entire success in social media on hating #MeghanMarkle. Apparently the latter does as well. My question is this . What is their lifetime goal here ?
They promote hate for two people , to what end ? Do they desire them to die in an 'accident" like Diana ? Do they want them homeless and broke so they can mock them 24/7? Will they devote the rest of their lives to Meghan ?
Let's be clear they NEED #MeghanAndHarry from eh revenue you've videos provide. They gain attention, power , clout and money wielding their hatred, which fulfills them in life. Is hating #MeghanAndHarry going to be their legacy in life ?
@superscuba83 seems to be an ordinary looking working class Brit, not too exceptional , who as a result of Meghan found success because of Meghan . The revenue her YouTube videos provide depends on Meghan. Meghan has the power here , no one else. But , if that what gives your...
life meaning who can judge? In the meantime Meghan and Harry are doing VERY well.
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