Very cool how most coverage of Trump's "Platinum Plan" that is meant to give fash arguments for why he's not racist leaves out the fact that he included designating antifa as a terrorist organization in it. Even though that should literally be the focus...
...bc it's the only thing he'll actually do, & all these things he's claiming he'll do to benefit Black ppl when reelected (not "if", let's be honest) are absolutely not things he's going to do, aside from maybe some of the things that actually harm Black ppl
& that's why he's not doing them now, but saying he will in the future lmao. This whole thing was literally just a Trojan fucking Horse for announcing the antifa terrorist designation, which he can't do currently, but he sure as shit can when he seizes power
Also, as others have pointed out, it equates anti-fascists to the KKK (the people we're fighting). And Trump's dad was in the KKK, he probably supports the KKK himself, and the KKK loves him. So it's the same kind of thing as when he said...
..."What about the alt-left?" angrily after being asked abt the alt-right's violence at Unite the Right. "Antifa are just as bad as the KKK" is not really the message, the message is "Yeah, we're violent, but what about THEM?" He is not opposing the KKK here.
Anyway, the mainstream media completely fell for this Trojan Horse and should be ashamed of itself because it's incredibly transparent lmao. Don't leave it to the fascists to report on his actual plan.
Liberals on Twitter similarly barely even mentioned the antifa terrorist designation part. I'm ??? I really do not trust you people. No one needs to be told this won't actually help Black people when it includes this. That exposes the entire thing.
He knew everyone would only talk abt the parts "addressing" Black issues & not that part, & that's partly why he did it. For ppl who say "dOn'T tAkE tHe BaIt" so often when it's unwarranted, yr remarkably bad at spotting actual bait/other tricks. Curious! 🤔
Also: can't believe I missed this, but it is not a coincidence that he announced this the day before the Proud Boys rally in Portland against anti-fascists.
By nestling the bit abt the antifa terrorist designation within a plan that purports to help Black ppl, he shields himself from accusations of inciting Proud Boys' violence by giving fash smthng to say in response: he's not racist, he's tackling Black issues.
At the same time, he is signaling support for their rally by announcing that he will make that designation one (1) day before their rally calling for antifa to be designated as a terrorist group. And I expect them to be talking about it at the rally.
Really wild that no one else made this connection, & again, the mainstream media sure hasn't done us any favors by curiously leaving out that part of the plan in most articles, which leaves people vulnerable to the aforementioned propaganda fascists will push
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