A reflection on the second wave so far. Last time we did what was asked with a huge sense of national community spirit. For each other. Because it was the right thing to do. This time we see much more use of 'rules' to make things happen, nationally and within organisations. 1/6
These new rules seem driven by the sense that some people are no longer doing what is right. They need to be brought into line, and quickly! Groups and individuals are being made examples of, sometimes unfairly. 2/6
We are all tired and rules don't go down well when we're tired. Especially if they aren't completely logical or we struggle to understand them. But most people are still doing the right thing, not to avoid getting into trouble but simply because it is right. 3/6
The most powerful driver of good behaviour still seems to be our sense of responsibility to each other. Because we want to show respect for those around us rather than to avoid getting told off or punished. 4/6
Please be kind to those who remind us of our responsibilities, whether on public transport, at work or in a restaurant. Infection control probably wasn't their first career choice. 5/6
Each day we should remind ourselves that #HandsFaceSpace is something we do as a kindness to others not (only) for ourselves. So forget it's a rule and do the right thing with a smile. It may just end the pandemic that little bit sooner. 🤗 6/6
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