Dairy's and Foods that cause your blood sugar to rise quickly, such as white bread and fries, may worsen ACNE!!! and cause a lot of other health conditions.

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Milks are commonly produced from cows and these milks contain hormones that are necessary for growth and development in baby cows. This same hormones that make cows grow causes overgrowth and inflammations of the body leading to cancer, eczema, diabetes, acne, etc, in humans.
Dairy milk contains cow hormones that have been linked to breast and prostate cancer.

On top of large amounts of oestrogen and progesterone being present in the milk, Bovine Growth Hormone is also injected on a weekly basis into dairy cows in some countries to make them grow
bigger faster, and produce more milk to sell. So when we drink milk – we might be drinking bovine.

According to The China Study, 2005, Bovine causes the chemical IGF-1(insulin growth factor 1) to be released, which has been linked to a whole host of diseases, including breast
And prostrate cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and gynecomastia (growth of breasts in men).

These Hormones also contain sugars/lactose. Lactose is difficult for the body to digest, reasons why some people are lactose intolerant.
Regardless of whether your body can digest
Lactose or not, Dairy's can increase your blood sugar promoting insulin growth factor 1 which increases

- sebum production.(your face producing more oils)
- increases severity of acne.
- increases pore size.

Foods with high glycemic index, like white bread, soft drinks,
Fried white potato, your chicken and chips, and many more, can increase severity of acne.

It doesn't happen to everybody though but you can't tell if you are a victim too, especially if you haven't met with a dermatologist, that's why you should be mindful of what you consume.
If you are a lady, you should be able to attest to the fact that sugary foods and drinks can tie knots with your hormones during your periods and produce discomfort internally and externally.

This could be one of the reasons why your acnes go and come in a short time
Despite all you have been doing to get rid of them — the foods you eat are altering your hormones.

Also generally, whether you have acne or not, you should eat healthy. Drink more water, drink fruit smoothies, rest well and overall live a healthy life.
Do you know that physical stress triggers your stress Hormone called cortisol which increases sugars in your blood stream? Now imagine eating sugary foods and drinks on a regular and at the same time go through work stress and not enough sleep. In the long run,
You will be reducing your life span.

So what you should do is watch your diet alongside your treatments for ACNES, and do everything possible to be healthy. That way your skin will be more healthy and beautiful.

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