My nanna died today. In a nursing home in Adelaide. We couldn’t visit her before she died. We can’t go to her funeral. She was a wonderful, kind person who led a life of great adventure & meaning. 2020 has sucked. Can we all just please cooperate, crush this virus & move forward?
Sorry for oversharing today. The reason I did it: This shit is people’s lives. The consequences are real and can be horrible. I’m seeing so much talk, so many questions about who screwed up, who is to blame, who should be punished. I honestly don’t care. What do I care about? 1/
Where is the talk about what has been done to improve the systems and stress points that failed? How have we learned and acted to make things better? It strikes me that in a situation like this it’s extremely difficult to pitch a perfect game 2/
There are hundreds of decisions every day, all critical. Small mistakes can have huge consequences. Or you can be lucky and miss those consequences. But we have learned a lot about where and how our system and our community are vulnerable. 3/
And so little of the public/political discussion seems directed at quickly and effectively addressing those vulnerabilities so that we learn from our mistakes and don’t repeat them. That’s what I’d love to see being talked about. Not a wrestlemania cage match around blame.
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