A key element for the control of #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 will be our little every day choices & finding alternatives: homeoffice instead of office, walk/bike instead of transport, take-away not indoor dining, meet friends for a walk not in bars, stay at home with minimal symptoms 1/5
Wear your mask in indoor spaces: always not just sometimes, have a small bottle of desinfectant in every bag & jacket, travel regional not international, speak with friends & colleagues about your behaviour, and why you take these decisions, tell them that you care 2/5
Postpone that big party/family celebration to next summer, open the windows whenever you enter a room, ask for online meetings at university/work, let others know if you belong to a risk group, think of every small activity to count on your contact ‘bank’ account. 3/5
But importantly, we need more traffic light schemes for each activity, everywhere, easy pictograms, testimonials. Every person has to know what is risky & what not, & ideas for safe alternatives. Well-communicated infos for the right personal choices, every day this winter 4/5
Because the second wave, that’s basically us. 5/5
Also to add: I don't kiss or hug others (outside my household) - not my parents nor other family, not my friends. I know it`s sad, but there will be a time when we can do this again. Right now, it`s just not a good idea.
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