Hi. Since i got time. This is the thread on how to order boost juice n some suggestions of my personal favs:

There r 3 sizes:

Kids (smallest 250ml)
Medium (450ml)
Original (biggest 550ml)
Always go for original cup. Sbb beza price medium dgn original just seringgit je utk semua air.

There r few types of drinks:
Juice is from fresh fruits, no added sugar n water. Just pure fresh fruit juice. U can create ur own juice n can choose max. of 5 fruits.

Ni list buah yg boleh pilih. Nak 1 or 2 buah pun boleh. If nak tambah extra buah pun boleh tambah singgit je. Up to u.
Kalau masih tak tahu nak minum jus apa u can proceed to try the mix juice from the menu. N that plus sign booster is actually supplement powder yg already included together. But boleh request utk tak letak. Pls note that the booster is not recommended for pregnant lady n children
My personal fav from the menu is lean & green n immunity juice. If u wanna lose weight, lean & green juice mmg sangat sesuai for u. Tapi best seller is 5 a day juice. Kalau jenis suka minum mix fruit juice u should try it.
Kalau suka rasa masam boleh cuba wild berry juice (apple n berries) n energiser juice (orange, banana n berries). Kalau takut terlalu masam boleh request utk letak sorbet seringgit je to make the juice a little sweeter.
Smoothie ni ice blended drink yg contain yoghurt. Ada vanilla yoghurt n strawberry yoghurt. U can look for it at the “most popular”. N best seller is of course, all berry bang. If add extra berries or extra strawberry yoghurt lagi berganda sedap.
To make it tastier or nak tukar selera, u guys can actually switch the fruits inside the drink for free je actually. Macam contoh order mango magic. Ada banana. Banana tu boleh switch dgn strawberry. Can apply to all drinks. No extra charges. 😋
Kalau suka yg bersusu boleh try “indulgence” tu. Same goes w banana buzz. N they also got soy milk as option. Boleh request waktu order if tak nak guna susu. Yoghurt pun boleh tukar. Contoh if order king william chocolate, ada vanilla yoghurt. Boleh tukar dgn strawberry yoghurt.
Yg this “protein & energy” pun smoothie jugak. Cuma bezanya yg ni ada booster included. Sesuai utk yg sedang jaga badan, pergi gym, n tryna lose weight. Sbb high calories n boleh buat u guys full. Selalu orang order as food replacement sbb bagi kenyang.
I recommend utk try strawbrekkie protein. Mmg sedap n bagi kenyang sbb ada oats dalam dia. Same goes w protein supreme n brekkie to go go. Kalau suka mix berries ala ala all berry bang cuba lah superfruit or skinny dip. The taste is almost the same.
Crushed drinks ni ice blended drinks. Macam smoothie kan more creamy since ada yoghurt but this one more icy n without yoghurt. Non diary lah senang citer. Sesuai minum time panas kan sbb nak hilang dahaga. Best seller is watermelon lychee crush n berry crush.
Kalau suka masam try mango lychee, mango tango n berry crush. Some people pun suka add in yoghurt dalam this drinks. Semua ikut citarasa sendiri. I suka watermelon lychee crush, but ill swap the lychee w strawberry. Mmg sedap.
Kalau ada yg tanya sorbet tu apa, sorbet tu is frozen dessert made from sugar sweetened water w flavoring fruit juice. Unlike yoghurt sorbet takde contain dairy ingredients. So yg ada masalah consume dairy products so called lactose intolerant boleh minum crushed drinks or juice.
And lastly from the menu is blended drinks. No sugar, no yoghurt, no sorbet. Juice fresh fruits cut into small pieces n akan diblend all together w ice. U guys can surely change the base ya. Just ask the cashier to change nak guna base juice buah apa. Pun no charges.
I usually tak minum this “calorie counter”. Sbb dia buah blend dgn ice jadi rasanya macam tasteless n bland. Tawar lah senang cerita. Sbb this drink purposely utk yg jaga badan jugak sbb lesser calorie. But kalau nak try jugak n nak make it nice can add in sorbet or yoghurt.
Boost also ada “hidden menu”. Bukan starbucks je tau. N some old drinks that still available but not shown on the menu. Here i list down:

Strawberries n cream
Blueberry blast
Tropical crush
Lemon crush
Weekend warrior
Veggie garden
Raspberry ripe
OJ mango dazzle
Banana mango bling
Raspberry mango glitz
Jingle melon mango
Choc-full-o protein
Santa’s milk n cookie
Berry’d in choc
Mango berry crush

Thats all i remember so far. Feel free to add in... n feel free to try this hidden menu.
Ive tried my best to provide the best detail bout the drinks n all. Hope this thread will help some of u yg always clueless bila nak order. Kalau ada yg nak bertanya anything, tanya je. I akan cuba jawab.
Since ramai jugak yg tanya which juice or what fruits yg sesuai utk certain diseases, so i wanna list down some:

1. Constipation: carrot, beetroot, cucumber
(5 a day juice + cucumber)

2. Allergies: carrot, celery, pineapple, beetroot
(5 a day juice + pineapple)
3. Cold, fever & flu: carrot, orange, lemon
(5 a day juice + lemon)

4. Pregnancy: orange, mango, banana, berries, apple.
(Energiser juice or wild berry juice without booster)

5. Cough/sore throat: pineapple, ginger, watermelon
6. Headache: pineapple, celery, cucumber, watermelon, ginger, lemon
(Vita c detox juice + lemon/lean & green juice + lemon/veggie juice + lemon)

7. Stomache: apple, cucumber, orange, mint, celery, ginger, carrot, pineapple
(Lean & green juice/veggie juice/vita c detox juice)
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