If you're actually pro-life, you should support Roe staying the law of the land. Best anybody can tell, the abortion rate wasn't any lower pre-Roe than post-Roe, it's just that fewer people died or had life altering complications from illegal abortions.
The only way that's actually been shown to lower abortions is easy access to contraception combined with comprehensive sex ed. That's why the abortion rate is lower when Democrats are in power and goes up when Republicans get elected.
If someone is actually pro-life, they'll also support a robust social safety net including access to healthcare, child care, housing and financial support so that no one is in the position where they're choosing abortion because they can't afford another child.
Back in my pro-life activist days, there was a woman who changed her mind on abortion when she saw my mom's sign offering financial support, because aborting her 7th child seemed like her only option after her husband broke his back and couldn't work construction.
Neither she or her husband wanted the abortion, but her husband's parents would only help out paying for an abortion, not to help them actually have the baby. Our lack of social safety net in this country is removing options, and it's not a choice when there's only one option.
My mom ended up successfully strongarming local churches into donating to support the family, and I do mean strongarming, because it was like pulling teeth to get churches to put money behind their "Choose Life" signs and actually help.
I have the distinct memory of my mom on the phone with supposedly pro-life evangelical pastors telling them that she was the 7th of 9 children and did they think she wasn't worth being born either, because they really didn't give a damn when it came right down to it.
And the thing is, you can tell people exactly what I've said in this thread, give them the numbers, explain exactly why the lack of social safety net traps people in a bounded choice where abortion is the only option, and they don't care. All they care about is that it's illegal.
They're not pro-life, they're barely even pro-birth. They've got a one track mind that anything other than wholehearted support for outright abortion bans means you, "want to kill babies," and the symbolic bans are more important than actually reducing the number of abortions.
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