So im done for the day, but before i sleep i thought I’d post the main 50. In honour of the fact there’s 127 men out of 155 musicians on the top 2k list, im going to make a list of 127 pop women. If classical music is all men, then popular should be all women, also because
They don’t get taken seriously on Wiki. So ill work to make it happen. I’ve included a figure from every sub continent like central Africa or the Balkans. I covered everything. 50 national singers and 6 groups. This is just the singers/group to represent their region and 100%
Will be seen as equivalent to a top 2k list, the other 77 people ill try but there is a limit on how much people can realistically be on a Debussy level (realistic top 15-25 composer). But these 56 for sure. I’ll probably include women who sing rock or rap too eventually.
So all of popular music is covered. The way to succeed is to introduce a method of studying popular music and having it last beyond cycles of entertainment. Anyway yeah, thought I’d show my day one progress, goodnight y’all, it’s super fun too, end thread. 🤗🤗🤗
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