Dan Andrews really has perfected the art of fronting up each day to give the perception of transparency and accountability but then not actually saying anything.
You can't say the Minister has "made the appropriate decision" by resigning but then not explain why you think it was the right decision.
To the Dan Stans and raindrops who are predictably now coming for me I'd say this: it's possible to support the Premier but still be incredibly frustrated that despite daily pressers, he's refused to answer questions since June about the government failings that led us here.
And if you're angry at journalists for asking "the same questions every day", that's because the Premier has consistently failed to answer them. And if we don't know what went wrong or who's responsible how can we be sure that we won't have a third wave? It's critical information
Choosing to believe that anyone who asks for genuine transparency and accountability is a "Murdoch stooge" or a "LNP hack" is a unique form of delusion. But sure let's make it a left-right issue rather than looking for clarity on life and death decisions in a public health crisis
Also, just because you think "the Prime Minister gets away with a lot worse" doesn't mean every politician you like should get a free pass or avoid scrutiny. Yes, kudos to Andrews for fronting up every day, but he's still not answering the tough questions. We deserve better.
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