Note to anyone RTing Church of Satan shit onto my timeline: They are right-libertarian bootlickers who will literally kick you out if you get convicted of a crime. They're cops. Get 'em out of your head.
Scrolling through their timeline now, dredging for anything of substance beneath all the edgy snark, and we've got some good old-fashioned social darwinism!
Note that this book is also terribly, terribly, openly racist. Example: "What white father for example, would encourage the marriage of a hulking thick skulled N*gro with his beautiful and accomplished daughter?" (minor censorship mine)
This is not a mistake. The CoS is a pretty straightforward antithesis of Christianity and also informed by fairly American values (as practiced, not preached). Consequently, it stands against concepts such as moral/social obligations and even, seemingly, compassion itself.
Now, I'm fine with an antithesis to Christianity, in a way, but you need to be critical of the results, doing it like the CoS does results in something no better. The modern world has no place for social darwinist hogwash.
I really have to question why they would be reading an openly white supremacist manifesto for "analysis" while calling it "inspired" by their own religion. What is to gain from giving it a platform like this? Why THIS book?
And there's an answer to this question: Anton LaVey, essentially the founder of the Church of Satan, used it as a source when writing The Satanic Bible. He was a big fan. Think on that, if you will.
If you don't believe me, look through the text yourself. In its advocacy of social darwinist ideology, it also spends a fair bit of time making an argument for white supremacy.
This isn't the first time they've openly promoted this stuff, either. They're consistent. Their site describes the author as follows: "His statements, his criticism and his warnings are equally true today like they were in the end of the 19th century. "
In this same blurb, the CoS website states: "The major monotheistic religions (either directly or indirectly through the media or science), their political agents and the masterminds of high finance still influence and control the fate of the people and the world."
Think about the above for a moment. If you can't spot the obvious anti-semitic dogwhistle there, particularly while extolling the egoistic virtue of a sexist, virulently white supremacist author, then I just can't help you.
If I brought this up to the CoS, they'd probably give some "critical support" line about how they don't actually support *that* part of "Ragnar Redbeard's" writing. But this is not a small part of the man's work, and they address it nowhere, heaping nothing but praise.
White supremacy, racism, sexism, etc. goes part-and-parcel with belief in natural hierarchies, "might makes right", and social darwinism. History bears this out. After all, you need to justify why some people are selected by the hierarchy, and why it's *your* group in particular.
You don't see this trash in most CoS tweets etc. because they spend most of their time dunking on low-hanging-fruit like rando Twitter Christians. This makes them seem appealing, but says nothing about who they are, only who they aren't.
Their attitude toward theism comes across pretty clearly, though, and it's basically the same edgy antitheist tripe I spewed in high school and grew out of once I realized that religion didn't always have to be the toxic trash I was raised in. CoS never did.
Most tweets they like are also just further examples of CoS stroking themselves off, but here's a fun one. Note that "you might get caught and that's bad, for you" is apparently the reason why murder isn't okay? Careful with that edge!
They claim to be a libertarian, essentially egoist organization, but also claim on their website that being convicted of a felony is to be understood as grounds for immediate expulsion. I'm not sure how to square that circle.
Saving the best for last: They literally promote eugenics. Not state-enforced eugenics, but eugenics nonetheless. The amount of social and scientific ignorance, and general ethical malfeasance, is absolutely staggering.
Calling THEIR OWN MEMBERS "defective" and implying they shouldn't breed is ignorant, crass, and deplorable on multiple levels. Strongly associating success, "talent", etc. with some simplified model of genetics is reductive and ignorant at best and actively malicious at worst.
Note that this is doubly true for a social species such as humans, where even a genetic trait that may be detrimental to the individual can still be beneficial to have in some concentration in the group, and in a sense, will be selected for. Diversity literally is our strength.
Colorblind soldiers being able to see through certain camouflage is a simple, modern example. More generally, having individuals in the group who perceive, think, and behave differently from others can benefit the group. This can include traits we would consider disabilities!
So even from the misguided, somewhat inhumane "benefit of the species through good breeding" perspective, they're... still wrong. Eugenics has never been about benefiting the gene pool; it's about homogenizing it, based on whatever harebrained criteria people come up with.
Also in the previously mentioned thread, they advocate racial pseudoscience about different ethnicities having more or less "promising genetic stock", and fully believe that some races are simply better at certain things than others, biologically.
Sidenote: I find it ironic that an egoist Church, telling individuals to think for themselves, spends so much of their time claiming their Satanism is the only one allowed, officiously curating their membership, and chastising virtually all other religious belief as delusional.
It's the libertarian-to-fascist pipeline in a nutshell: Preach individualism, liberty, and free thought, but simultaneously preach about natural hierarchies, how some people are simply innately better than others, and how "free thought" involves ostracizing all who oppose you.
Oh, and being free-thought-loving contrarians while also clinging desperately, dogmatically, and uncritically to the written works of a dead Ayn Rand acolyte.
Speaking of LaVey, I wasn't kidding when I called CoS "cops". From an interview: "I’m all for a police state; no messing around. There should be an armed guard on every street corner. The Israelis have the right idea: school bus drivers and MacDonalds managers carrying Uzis."
Note that this interview was to publicize a new edition of "Might Is Right", the book I mentioned early in this thread. Yes, he was still promoting that book late in life.
Here, have the full essay the eugenics quote is from, in case you want to feel bad. There's a bunch of other gross stuff in there as well. Written by the Church's High Priest.
In it, the CoS high priest also advocates for "the reign of the able over the idiotic", "a wholesale rejection of egalitarianism", reducing the world population by allowing "the weak" to die, and the institution of "an American Schutzstaffel [...] equipped to handle the vermin".
In between the bits about affirmative action being bad and forced prison labor being good, he's also EXTREMELY horny for android servants, because he has to get his authoritarian jollies somehow. Gotta lord over something, right? No, really, that's his stated reason for it.
So, the CoS is a bizarre mixture of edgelord antitheism, performative LGBT allyship, and hardcore social darwinism whose head of faith wants a police state, elimination of all forms of social welfare/protection, and to allow the weak to be culled from the planet. An odd bunch.
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