Tonight I was driving home and randomly started thinking about a close friend that I hadn’t talked to in a few months. I got the overwhelming urge to call him and see how he’s doing and I am honestly SO HAPPY I did.
I found out he’s living out his dream and thriving in his new home in BOULDER!!! Attending freaking CULINARY SCHOOL!!!! And as soon as he told me this my heart just freakin flooded with happiness for him.
Now I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been struggling recently and I’ve felt more secluded and alone than I have in a long time. But I truly think that GOD put my friend on my mind because he wanted me to call him. He knew I was struggling and needed some good news from someone.
I dunno, maybe people will think I’m crazy or just ignore this. But like if you actually read to the bottom of this thread, I felt God today for the first time in a long time, and I’m going to bed feeling the best I have in a long time. I needed this, and God knew it. ❤️🥺
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