Hey remember when I said I would have to wait till Oct 2nd to announce? WELL I LIED I CAN ANNOUNCE NOW!

I entered a really cool art contest with two photos, The RARE Artist competition with 2 kick ass photos. To vote for me (Hana Belanger) check below!
Here is the link to vote over Facebook. I am under the adult category cause I am adult. You can vote for one or both of my photos as well as art from other cool artists!

In fact, you can vote for as many art pieces as you want every 10 days!
What do my submissions look like? Well we have 2 submissions. The first is called "Accepting My Stripes" and the second is "Tree of H.O.P.E"

The models in these photos represent two stories I have to share about rare disease. A big shout out to both my friends Gabby and Laura!
I don't know their Twitters but when I do, you bet your ass I will tag below and add in this thread
You can follow @HufflepunkZebra.
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