I see some antis are kinda deep right now (and I've seen it's common at nights, which is kinda weird) so I wanna contribute
You can be sure that I'm only gonna be gone if I'm dead, like, seriously
Since I found out about the community, I've been wanting to join, at first it (+)
was only to post dumb images of characters in flags out of boredom, but then I started to enjoy people requesting and then I discovered the hunting side of the community and decided to try it, now I discovered I love reporting this people who don't care about hurting others (+)
just because of their "sexuality"
Once I went to this police office to talk with a detective cause I wanna be a police detective, he asked me what is PDI (policia de investigaciones, which is investigation police) for me, I didn't have a true answer and now that I'm an anti (+)
and I report people who encourages harm, I found out what that is for me, I realized "if they aren't in social media, they can't use the Internet to hurt minors, and when I become a detective, I can also add not being able to attack minors irl", I see being an anti as a great (+)
honor, so when much bigger antis started to follow me and people saw me as part of the community, I felt really happy, I felt like I found what I wanted to do with my life, which is stoping predators
I decided to educate myself about the things I'm against and in what being (+)
an anti is like, what I should do, what I shouldn't do, etc
I guess it's obvious that if I ever get outed of the community, that'll be the worst thing ever
That's why I want to use this thread for you to tell me everything, like, what I've done wrong, what I've done right, (+)
I wanna become a great anti and I wanna do the job correctly (so if I ever do something wrong, call me out and hold me accountable for it)
This thing literally gave me a reason to take some risks, because those risks can save people, and in return, if I'm not well or need (+)
help, I can always count on, at least, one person in the community will be there to help
I know the community often has fights and stuff, but which doesn't? Besides, this job is stressing for a lot of people so it's understandable that some will get tired or make mistakes (+)
Personally, for me this job is relaxing, but not everyone has my weird ass brain
So I wanna be there for every anti who needs help, I wanna be there for every victim who needs help, even if they don't accept or aknowledge it, but I wanna do a right job when I'm helping (+)
I wanna finish saying that I love this community, I've met amazing people and learned different things, I don't feel I've helped that much, but something I do feel is that this community most likely will make a difference in the life of so many people just like it did in mine (+)
I guess I'm a proud simp of the anti community? Ok, jokes aside, I really love this community and it's one of the best things that's ever happened to me
I wanna bring the same joy this community brings me to other people
Now I'm going to sleep, see you when I wake up
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