32 officers in this picture. At a $46/hour estimate for detail work, at time-and-a-half pay, this is $2208/hour.

This is two weeks of pay for a full time teacher in the Boston Teacher's Union ($56k/year). https://twitter.com/Bostopianews/status/1309655819030597632
Tonight, many of these officers will likely put in full 8 hour shifts at this rate. Toss in $250/hour for the hovering state police helicopter for good measure. $20,000 would pay legal support fees for 80 of the 100k evictions we're likely to see coming up in courts next month.
Also, let's be clear that this is likely a tiny portion of the total police presence. This is *one shot of police standing around* -- but at these events, we often see 5-10 times as many officers as this.

An estimate of $250k+ for tonight's police cost isn't out of the question.
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